3 Reasons Why You're Not Getting Attorney Clients

And I’m not only going to give you the reasons, I’m going to talk about the problem. 

And then we’re going to talk about the solution. 

Because there are actually multiple reasons probably why you’re not getting clients, but I want to touch bases on specifically three. 

Now, you may or may not have heard these because this is exclusive information that we teach in the mentorship.

It’s not uncommon for nurses in the mentorship to talk about attorneys falling from the sky, right? Or saying things like “he found me”, or “my client is sending me 100 hours of work a month.” You know, “four days after I found alignment, I got a client who found me.”

These types of comments come across all the time inside our VIP mentorship FB group. 

And there’s a reason for that. 

It’s because we have solutions for issues that you likely can’t recognize when you’re trying to find clients.

You might be asking yourself why the tactic you used to get one client isn’t working for another? 

Or maybe you’re blaming yourself because you feel like you’ve tried everything? 

I’ve heard a lot of nurses talk about how they’ve already located everybody, commenting “they just don’t want me. I feel like I’ve done everything.”

Here’s the thing, you have done everything that you know how to do, and you can’t replicate something if you haven’t been taught it. Right?

So what are you going to do?  You’re only gonna replicate what you know.

I will agree. But only with your thoughts.

I don’t want you to question your skill. I don’t want you to question your experience or your knowledge. 

That’s not the issue at all. 

There are plenty of attorney clients out there that desire you. 

There are a few other issues though, and it is going to involve you focusing on yourself first. 

TRUTH: most of the time we blame something tactical, or we use this tactical goal to leverage the blame on ourselves. 

It’s not anything tactical likely. 

So let’s get to it. 3 reasons why you can get clients and what are 3 things that you can do about it. 

PROBLEM #1: you don’t know what your intentions are. 

This is probably the most common and when I ask this question, I get a lot of uncertainty.

If you don’t know what you bring to the table as a Legal Nurse, how can you talk about it to somebody else? 

If you don’t have clarity on what it is that you intend to provide that client, how can you explain that to them?

It’s a problem. 

And if you are sitting there thinking, Stephaney…I don’t know what my intentions are. I don’t even know what a Legal Nurse Consultant does. 

Well, then there’s another problem in and of itself.

You need to get clarity on what it is a Legal Nurse Consultant does and what it is that you can provide. 

And before you set out on your marketing journey, you should have set intentions. 

And those intentions are goals that you’ve set based on that clarity. 

If you can accurately show an attorney prospect how valuable you are and what you intend to provide service wise for them, this means you have clarity in your intentions, and the attorney prospect will have clarity on your value and offer.

Nobody is going to go hunt for information; they’re not going to go figure out what a Legal Nurse Consultant does. If they’ve never heard of one, they expect you to educate them. 

That is where you need maximum clarity, right?

Clarity on the services that you offer, clarity on how you can help them. 

This is the positioning aspect of it. 

SOLUTION #1: To get clear on your intentions, make a list. Write it down. Get your pen and paper.

I want you to dig deep into past experiences that you’ve had with patients. 

Think about how long you’ve been a nurse and all the expertise. 

I want you to dig into your value and see what shows up on paper. Really see and write it all out and come back to it even a few days later if you need to. 

All the value you have as a nurse, put it on a piece of paper. You need to visually be able to see how valuable you are. 

Because this is how you position yourself to attract the right clients.

It is no coincidence that all the highest volume clients, for all of our nurses in the mentorship, find them. 

It is about positioning.  That is the power of the PPE Marketing™ strategy.

Okay, so SOLUTION #1- make a list. Easy peasy. Right? 

PROBLEM #2: Problem number two, you’re trying to sell yourself. 

Again, back to the PPE marketing™ strategy. 

Before we get to the solution, what are you selling of yourself? 

You’re not selling you whatsoever? (#1)

(#2) You’re not selling at all. You are offering to assist someone with your expertise. 

You have services that can benefit them. Not you. Your services. 

So when you’re rambling on about all the things that you do… you do… you do… hey, guess what? 

Nobody cares. 

Just so you know, the attorney prospect doesn’t really care what you do. 

They want to know how you can help THEM. 

It’s about their problem, not yours. 

All nurses come to this field thinking “I’ve got to sell myself.” 

SOLUTION #2: Stop trying to sell anything. 

You’re an educator at heart, and part of the PPE Marketing™ strategy is to educate.

Reality check.. you’re the one with the knowledge.

So share how you can support the attorney client. 

The PPE Marketing™ strategy: Power, Position, Educate.

You’re a natural born educator. You do this with all your patients, and their families, and other nurses and doctors and residents, everybody!

Think about it, you educate. 

Now take a look at your list.  You have a better idea of how you can educate them. Right? 

Based on the conversations that you have with an attorney prospect, you now can understand that it’s not about a sale. It’s about a service. 

Your service. Your experience. Your expertise.

Think… How can my knowledge benefit them?  

Connect the dots for them, educate them. 

When you position yourself, and can educate from that position comfortably and confidently; when you know what your intentions are, now you know what you are capable of and the right attorney clients find you.

First, you have to know your intent. You have to be positioned correctly. It starts with you.  Second, stop selling. You’re educating. 

PROBLEM #3:  You’re looking for business from a place of weakness. 

All that self doubt. All that pity. All that “I need money I need to sale” self-talk.

Let me explain something to you about the word need…

TRUTH: you don’t need any of it because you survive just fine without it right now.

You desire to connect. 

And if all you’re doing is searching for the dollar, you’re never going to get it. 

Because if you don’t know what your intentions are, and you don’t know how to educate them, you can’t position yourself in a place of power, where they will pay you every bit of what your rate is without question or negotiation.

You won’t get what you are worth because you’re coming from a place of weakness.

You have probably had thoughts similar to “they have the upper hand,” or “they have the case that I need.”  

But you have the knowledge, and what’s more valuable is that you have the knowledge and the experience.

You have the power to get rid of all those insecurities and to realize how valuable you are. 

So that you can position yourself correctly and educate from a place of expertise. 

When you do this…the right clients will find you you 

Remember, you got the goods. 

The problem is you think you don’t. 

The problem is you think they have the upper hand. 

Don’t let money hold power over you like that, just because they are the ones writing the check. 

TRUTH:  if you build a website, or just go build a profile on LinkedIn, and you think people are gonna find you, and all of a sudden, you’re gonna be rolling in money…

that’s NOT how it works. 

Your prospects have to first be aware that you even exist to consider you. 


There’s a lot of things that go into the network that these nurses build in the mentorship. 

And the marketing that comes before these attorney clients “fall from the sky,”

…there’s a lot of self evaluation.

You have the power because you have the knowledge. 

You can position yourself. Get rid of all those insecurities. 

Because if you’re not standing in your power, and you don’t think you have it, guess what- you don’t.

SOLUTION #3: ask yourself, why. Why do you want their money?

I’m assuming you don’t want their money to just sit in a pile of money. 

I’m assuming you want it for something else. 

A vacation, 

to travel,

to have more flexibility,

to make your own decisions,

to take back your power and make choices all for yourself,

to work from home,

to be able to have more things in life.

The moment the nurses in the mentorship get out of the selling mentality, the moment this clicks- clients find them. 

They connect with all the right people. 

Their network grows on its own. 

And I hear the… “oh, my gosh!” “Wow!” “It’s like perfect alignment.”

Yes. Yes it is. 

It’s perfectly aligned. 

Because you’re focused on you. Set intentions. Position yourself and educate.  

And stop chasing money. 

There’s money all around you; there is money that flows to and from you all the time. 

Focus on you, and how you can help them and how you can educate them. 

Because when you stop chasing the dollar, they do fall from the sky. When you come from a place of synergy, you come from a place of trust.

That all that resonates with them and comes out in your messaging.

When you come from a place of insecurity, guess what else comes out in your messaging? 

Do you see how these things layer on and how impactful it is? 

99.9% of the time you can’t get clients has nothing to do with them, and has nothing to do with your tactical efforts.

It has nothing to do with whether you make a phone call or message the right words on LinkedIn. 


I can help you with that. 

That is our LNC Accelerator™ Mentorship program, where we give you our exclusive 7-step marketing strategy proprietary to only those in the mentorship.

We get into such massive detail and spell it out for you. 

If you want a process and a step by step proven system to help you in more than just marketing, 

Reach out to us.  Send us a message. 


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