Being a nurse is just freaking awesome.

This year, the meaning of Nurses Week changed for me once again.

And I think, in a good way.

I know before, especially when I worked at the hospital, it was always- ” …and this is all we get?!? This is how we are appreciated?!?”

So many of us felt like that. I know I did at one point.

In 2020, we were heroes for a day.

Last year, we were scrutinized for pushing back on our rights for personal choice.

THIS YEAR… for ME, Wow…

The meaning has totally changed.

THIS YEAR… I am proud that I have the knowledge and power to save a life. 

THIS YEAR… I feel more appreciative of every person that has mentored me along my journey, 

every nurse who had patience with me, 

every nurse who shed light on me, 

every nurse who stood by me on those tough shifts, 

every nurse who looked to me for guidance, 

every nurse who chose to stay at the bedside to continue caring for those in acute conditions,


Recent and current events have made healthcare professionals raise their eyebrows and drop their jaws…more than once.

It has really encouraged me to do some self-reflecting.

To look inward and look back, to rediscover my passion for WHY I wanted to become a nurse in the first place.

To feel more appreciative of my own desires and goals that have brought me to where I am in my nursing career and beyond today.

And I realized….

I am so grateful to all the nurses…

For our self and family sacrifices, for our decisions to push ourselves to know more and do more,

For our bravery and adaptability, and our agility and strength,

For our innovation and abilities, 

For our power. 

The POWER we have as nurses stands out over these last few years.

And by power I mean the power to overcome, to look forward, to honor our profession, and to honor those we serve.

The power to dedicate endlessly our time, energy, freedom, wisdom, 

The power to sacrifice day over day and still stand tall in everything that we do,

The power to reach out to each other, the power of community support,


Being a nurse is HONORABLE.

No matter where you nurse from or in what capacity.

TO BE A NURSE is just freaking AMAZING!

And you deserve to know that and acknowledge that. 

I do. 

We all do.

Every single nurse deserves to know that of themself- 

You are POWERFUL. 


You are AMAZING.

Smile big this week.  I am. 

Because beyond all the shit and politics, and current events…

Being a nurse is just freaking awesome. 


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