How to Become a Legal Nurse Consultant

Let me start by saying…

I am bias. 

If you know my story, you know it was my mentor that helped me see my business and more importantly- myself, from 30,000 feet. 

But there are multiple ways to get into legal nurse consulting.

First question to ask, yourself- Do you want to work inside a firm? Or do you want to work for yourself (ultimate flexibility and income)?

Because the answer to that question is your starting point.

If you want to work in a firm, many employ LNC’s and some of the larger firms like for you to have the certification, but its not required at all to become an LNC or to work as one. 

You can shop for positions on sites like indeed and such to apply for job postings; you can take a few courses to become knowledgeable on litigation and legal practice, etc. 

There perks of working in firm- no marketing for cases, a place to get up and go to, people interaction, a routine paycheck.

The cons- much less pay, you have to clock in, you have to go somewhere… Its like traditional employment. (see told you I am bias lol)

Now, working as an independent legal nurse consultant has its pro’s and con’s also. 

BUT…. the perks are waaayyyyy more attractive in my opinion.

For starters, ultimate control over your life- when you work, where, how much, who your clients are, what type of cases you take, the size of your business, the schedule!

Do I still think you should take a course to do it this way?


I actually think you should get into a MENTORSHIP if you go this route (my bias is showing again 🙂 )

Because owning and running an independent business can be a lot and without the right support system, many nurses are not successful going this route without the right mentor and support.

However, many nurses ARE super successful taking this route- working wherever they want, when they want, how often they want, I mean the list goes on. 

AND the make a much higher pay.  Independent legal nurses can make anywhere up to $300/hr. and sometimes more! The average is about half that, but your the business owner- you charge what you are worth! 

What is the number one reason why nurses don’t take this route- because they have to get their own attorney clients and their first thought is – “I don’t know how to do that” or ” I don’t know how to market.”

I am here to tell you that it can be learned and in such a way that you actually attract the right attorney clients to you! (speaking from experience).

But more now on the topic of education.


Please educate yourself before you jump in. You will do a dis-service if you don’t. To yourself and the profession.

And sooooo many courses and mentorships are out there. You can take them from universities, private companies, organizations, independent LNC’s, etc.  

Without any knowledge whatsoever is like putting in an IV without ever even seeing it done, reading about it, OR anything. 

What type of education?  That depends on where you want to go with it? It goes back to working for a firm or for yourself.

If you work for a firm, you can get away with take a course- they are chalked full of information. No doubt.

If you want to work for yourself (my bias comments are coming), I believe you should have a mentor. Owning a business is multi-faceted and having that support is imperative to being successful. 

Sum it up…

Decide where you want to start, and then determine what kind of support your need. 

And viola, you have your path into legal nurse consulting.

Is there more to it than that… yes of course. But this can help you quickly determine which road you are looking down. 

Want more info on legal nursing? or Want to become a part of an exclusive LNC network? Join us inside The Membership Vault– our exclusive community- for the aspiring legal nurse and those already in it.

Being a member gives you access to updated information in relation to the field, business, lifestyle, and then some, updated weekly.  I am certain it can answer some more of the questions floating around in your mind right now. 🙂 


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