Now I'm The One Getting Sick?!


Have you noticed physical changes to yourself? Like negative ones? 

Like symptoms of a disease process setting in? 

Like all those abnormalities we see patients come into our own hospitals with?

Do you see that happening to you?

So many nurses are now reporting PHYSICAL symptoms, not just mental burnout, but real physical symptoms that are occurring before, during, and after shifts at their current hospital role. 

It’s well known that nurses have been showing signed of mental burnout, stress, anxiety, irritability,  PTSD,  etc. 

This is not new news and not surprising at all since our record high stress levels revolving around the current pandemic are the obvious contributing factor.

We already know that our obligation as a nurse and our duty to serve the greater good, versus us choosing ourselves and our family as a priority- is a main factor tearing us in half with severe mental stress and strain. 

And we all know that mental leads to physical.  


My LNC Accelerator ™ Mentorship Program could be your solution. 

MORE AND MORE nurses reporting physical symptoms of stress and burnout.  

Symptoms like SVT, chest pain, chronic diarrhea…

…chronic headaches, generalized pain, arthritis, systemic inflammation…

I mean, talk about an ‘oh shit’ moment!


It’s easy to brush aside what’s happening in our head, but to PHYSICALLY SEE symptoms now!?!?!?

RUDE AWAKENING for me to witness other nurses dealing with this.

Could these stress-related symptom(s) cause permanent damage to our organs? Press disease processes in on us which otherwise may not have been a risk to us before?

Seeing physical harm done to ourselves in our efforts to serve our communities…

There is no wavering me when I say that we are the soldiers of healthcare. 

But THIS. 

This is why sometimes it’s important to know that pivoting in your nursing career is ok. 

My LNC Accelerator™ Mentorship Program could be your solution.

This is the TRUTH behind sustained stress and stressful environments.  

THIS is the point where you have to ask yourself… WHAT AM I WILLING TO SACRIFICE? 


Think about how your physical symptoms affect your everyday life, and how that affects your interactions with family and friends, you energy, your involvement…


Do you think that these mental and physical changes ultimately change who YOU are?


What are you going to ALLOW to continue to happen to you?

What are you going to allow to affect you like this?

How much mental and PHYSICAL harm will you allow before you decide to choose you?

My LNC Accelerator™ Mentorship Program could be your solution.

If you are in this group, you are already here for a reason…you have an interest in LNC. 

And this could be your opportunity at re-alignment, at ridding of symptoms before they become permanent…

At a REAL SOLUTION to help serve not just you, but your family and children as well!

And a few other perks many desire…

Flexibility, time freedom, and possibly an increased income (if you desire). 

My LNC Accelerator™ Mentorship Program could be your solution.

It’s common for LNC’s to make $150/hr. 

And for those that have a mentor to help them move into this new field- It’s common they grow successful, sustainable businesses that allow them to leave their current job and work from home

Just ask some of the nurses who have come through my program. Even ones who are still in it! 

Here’s what they say about the mental and physical changes they witness in just DAYS after realignment.

“I’m seeing change little by little. It’s been a few days of journaling… Just to get any frustration or negative feelings out. I think it’s definitely going to help me.”

“I just have to say, as difficult as this clarity exercise is, the precourse that you had me do has definitely helped me clarify and define my ‘why’ questions… This process is invigorating!”

“I feel like it’s making me more positive and that’s what I need. I’m hoping it helps me with my frustration towards my kids too. I feel like I’m on edge a lot and I don’t want to be like that with them.”

“Stephaney with an EY really can help. My life has been changed, and my business is thriving now! It’s worth the investment in yourself.”

If you have been swirling the thought of LNC for while, maybe now is your time to join our LNC Accelerator ™ Mentorship Program  for nurses aspiring to become LNC’s or for LNC’s who need assistance and guidance building a sustainable and successful business- from home. 

Time to pursue a path that shows not just financial relief, but also physical and mental alignment…

Better relationships with your spouse and children…

A life where trusting yourself is not a question, and where certainty in your future doesn’t come from fear.

Reach out if you are ready to commit to YOU ONCE AND FOR ALL. 

Let’s see if I can help you.  

And if I can, I am certain you’ll witness the beauty of life and freedom in not only yourself, but in those you influence around you. 


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